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Greenings from Earth !

Par Benjamin Cliquet

Ask your questions about Vancouver being the Greenest City by 2020

Ask your questions about Vancouver being the Greenest City by 2020
You can here ask your questions about the Vancouver's project to be the "Greenest City in the World by 2020", I have two months to answer it.

I just reached Vancouver yesterday and my objective is to study and understand how Vancouver will be the Greenest City in the World by 2020. I am here for almost two months, but I won’t have time to study every field concerned by the project (waste, transportation, energy, government policies, urban planning, local economy...). That’s why I suggest that you ask me some specific questions (by writing it as a comment under this article) and I will try to look for the answers, interviewing different actors involved in the project.

To help you to understand what they want to do, here is the website explaining every goal : And here are some short videos about the 10 main goals (green economy, climate leadership, green transportation... you will find them in the list on the right) :

I hope it will give you some ideas...

Please notice that I have two more articles about Québec to publish.

See you soon, Be green, Ben

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